Covid Return to Play Policy

Mudhen Rugby Football Club Return to Play Protocols

Updated 1.24.2023

Mudhen Rugby Football Club (MRFC) will follow the Washington State Return to Play suggestions for Sporting Activities as issued by the Governor's office. MRFC will follow any updates to the guidelines as they change and become available.

Safety Officer Information:

J, Rookie Coordinator

Safety Officer will be responsible for knowing and enforcing all items in this return to play document. In addition, the Vice President will maintain vaccination records.

Vaccination Policy:

MRFC requires all players to be up-to date with vaccinations and boosters. “Up-to-date" includes people who have received their booster shot or received the second Pfizer or Moderna vaccine fewer than five months ago or a single Johnson & Johnson vaccine fewer than two months ago

MRFC will maintain vaccination records as required by PNRFU’s Vaccine Requirement Policy

To protect player information, vaccination records and testing results will be kept confidential by the designated team representatives. Teams will not be required to distribute this information to PNRFU at large, however if this information is requested by the opposing team in order to verify the vaccination information prior to competition, the team representative must confirm vaccination status and the negative test results for the entire match player roster.

Managing a COVID Positive Case:

If any player experiences COVID symptoms, as listed by the CDC, are in close proximity to a confirmed COVID positive case, or test positive themselves, they must notify the Safety Officer.

If a person tests positive, they will be required to quarantine for a minimum of 5 days from their positive test. If you have a fever you must stay home until your fever goes away.While isolating, do not leave your home except to receive medical care. At home, anyone sick or infected should separate from others -- stay in a specific "sick room" or area, use a separate bathroom (if available), and avoid sharing personal household items. If you are in the same room as household members, make it brief, maintain a distance, and make sure you both wear a mask.

Upon notifying, any player who has been exposed must follow King County guidelines for potentially exposed individuals.

If you are up-to date with vaccinations and boosters, after exposure to someone with COVID-19:

  • You do not need to quarantine following an exposure;

  • Wear a high quality, well-fitting mask around others for 10 days after the exposure; and

  • Test on day 5, if possible.

  • Everyone who has been exposed regardless of vaccination status should get a COVID test five days after exposure. If symptoms occur, individuals should immediately quarantine until a test confirms symptoms are not caused by COVID-19.

The safety officer will notify any members who have been to practice where an exposed or positively tested member has been, and ensure they follow the above steps.


All players will be required to come to practice ready to play, with exception of changing into their cleats, and must use their own equipment including water bottle, mouth guard, scrum cap, cleats, and clothes.

Hand sanitizer will be available at practice for all athletes to use at their will.